Biscoff Mousse Pie

I’ve been wanting to try a recipe with Biscoff for a long time. I’ve had a love affair with Biscoff cookies for years; certainly years before they became a common product in grocery stores and WAY before the Biscoff spread. I flew a lot as a child and I always wanted to fly Delta because they served these amazing cinnamon cookies—my favorite thing about airplanes (and the Cran-Apple juice which you apparently can’t buy anywhere on the ground). 

I made this pie in honor of my cat’s birthday. Even though she couldn’t eat it; she did try. 



Recipe follows.


{ 24 Biscoff cookies  ♥  1/4 c butter (melted)  ♥  2 tbs granulated sugar }

1. Preheat oven to 375 F. 
2. Crush your cookies in to crumbs. I used a bag and a rolling pin for this.
3. Mix in melted butter and sugar. Pour into 9x9 pan and press down.
4. Bake for 7 minutes. Let cool completely before adding the mousse.


Biscoff Mousse
{ 7 tablespoons cream cheese  ♥  1/2 – 3/4 cup creamy biscoff  spread ♥  1/4 cup granulated sugar  ♥  1 tsp vanilla extract  ♥  3/4 cup Cool Whip  ♥  fudge ice cream topping }

1. In the bowl, beat the cream cheese, biscoff spread, and sugar just until combined.
2. Add the vanilla.
3. Beat in 1/4 cup of the Cool Whip just until it is incorporated.
4. Fold in the rest of the Cool Whip and pour over your cooled crust.


5. Put a few dollops of fudge on top of your mousse and use a knife to make a swirled pattern. 


6. Refrigerate for 2 hours before eating.

P.S. I cut the recipe in half which is why my mousse isn’t very deep. 
