Linville Falls

So my 29th birthday is next month....seems like a perfect time to finally write about my birthday last year amirite?!?! First of all, I'm going to be ragging on Gui a little bit in my next blog post (Joshua Tree – coming soon) so I'm gonna go ahead and talk him up right now. I told him I didn't want to think about and/or plan my birthday because I feel like my whole life is thinking and planning. I just wanted to relax. And I'll say, he planned a beautiful little weekend trip for me — one of my best adult birthdays ever. 


It was a two night trip to visit Linville Falls. We stayed in Newland, NC in the Couple's Cabin, which I obviously died when I saw....I mean it was perfect. Just a bed and a fridge, what else do you need? Luckily for you, I've got the link right here.  It's a little cabin on a beautiful piece of land that has a few other small cabins, but  mostly it's a mobile home park. There was a big pond and tons of grass. We spent a lot of time playing frisbee and meeting the "local" dogs. 


The town is small so prepare to enjoy the wonders of nature because everything closes early, and there's only a few places to eat! One night, we tried the Blind Squirrel Brewery.

On Saturday we went to Linville Falls. We hiked the various trails and took in the views. I could see from the top that people were swimming in the falls. So of course the whole time we were hiking, I was dying to get down there. 


The trek down to the falls was actually a bit difficult; it would be hard with kids, so bear that in mind. Of course swimming was as magical as ever. I can't resist natural swimming areas, although it was a bit cold even in late June! There's some rock siding you can climb up and jump into the water as well. It was a little bit treacherous, but we followed other people who were already doing it so we knew it was safe. 


It's such a wonderful place to hang out for a couple of hours. You can swim, take a break, lay out on a hot rock, have a snack, and then start all over again. 


We took a much needed nap after that full day. Then we got some pizza, and the sun was setting just as we were pulling we parked in the Food Lion parking lot to watch and eat our dinner. 

There's really nothing I love more than getting tired out during the day having all sorts of fun, eating a nice meal, and calling it a night early in a tiny little cabin! This trip really had me feeling like a kid again. It's going to be hard to top this one!
